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The Immaculate Deception

Mary "Don't Worship Me"

Mary the Mother of Jesus is a very prominent figure throughout the world and specifically among Christian circles for very obvious reasons. Now with her fame has come some discussion as to what her role is and if she is free from original sin through a concept called “Immaculate Conception". Although Mary is a very special person in the eyes of God, and was used as a vessel to bring Jesus here on earth in the flesh; the claim of the Roman Catholic church is simply untrue.


Roman Catholicism teaches us that Mary never sinned and never lost her virginity for the rest of her life. This does not align with Orthodox Biblical teaching as we know from a Biblical perspective that Joseph “Knew Mary” according to Matthew 1:25. It states, “And knew her not till she had brought forth her firstborn son: and he called his name JESUS.” The term “Knew” was commonly used an Idiom by the Jews to mean sexual relations between a man and a woman. We know this definition of “Knew” makes the most sense in this context as Joseph already knew Mary before Jesus was born. Therefore it would not make sense that Joseph knew Mary after the Birth of Jesus, since he already knew her clearly indicating that the word “knew” is referring to sex.

Furthermore there is a belief that Mary is a blessed woman that is without any sin. This is simply untrue, while Mary is definitely a blessed woman to have the honor and favor in God’s eyes to give Birth to the Son of God this does not make her sinless. As we know biblically that there is no man without sin which is why Jesus had to come to die on the cross for the atonement of all of our sins. As Romans 3:10 tells us “As it is written, There is none righteous, no, not one:” Scripture makes it clear that all humans have sinned which is the reason why we needed Jesus the perfect lamb without blemish to be our ultimate sacrifice. There are many issues with claiming Mary is sinless, not only does it go against Biblical orthodox teaching, but it enables Roman Catholics to see Mary as greater than human.

Early Church Fathers

Regardless if the church fathers believe in heresy or not, this does not excuse us to fall into the ditch with them. As Christians we are supposed to follow the Bible not the Early Church Fathers. This is a huge issue with Roman Catholicism, because they make the Early Church Fathers their foundation instead of Biblical Christianity and the Word of God given to us by the Holy Spirit through the Disciples of Jesus Christ. This doctrine of Mary being sinless is not found anywhere in scripture and in fact Jesus calls her woman. Jesus says “...Woman, what have I to do with thee? mine hour is not yet come.” in John 2:4. This shows that while Mary is still Jesus' mother and should be respected she is not sinless or without blemish. But the larger issue with saying that Mary is sinless is that it leaves room to call her God, or treat her as God.

Roman Catholicism through this one belief becomes very heretical. We can see according to Catechism 969 it states, “...Therefore the Blessed Virgin is invoked in the Church under the titles of Advocate, Helper, Benefactress, and Mediatrix.”. Mary is referred to as the Mediatrix which means she is the mediator between us and our salvific redemption to Heaven. This becomes very heretical as we know that Jesus is the “Only Way Unto The Father” for our salvific redemption according to the Gospels. Although Mary gave birth to Jesus, this does not make her a part of our salvation because she is not God, and Jesus Christ makes it very clear we can only be saved by Him alone.


Assuming that Mary can hear our prayers from Heaven while we are still on earth is heretical, because this assumes that Mary is Omnipresent or Omniscient which only God can be. If Mary can hear intercessory prayers from all around the world at the same time this would make her equal to God. This is heretical and idolatry according to the Word of God, and this is the issue with the immaculate deception. Because from one bad doctrine comes all of these doctrines that can threaten one's salvation. While we are saved By Grace through Faith alone, we do serve a very jealous God who does not accept idolatry. In fact God hates Idolatry so much that he even gave His own followers huge consequences for worshiping other idols. We see that God actually broke his covenant with the Jews in the Old Testament  since they worshiped other gods alongside the only True God. This is why Roman Catholicism and other similar sects are dangerous. By believing in Immaculate conception, veneration of the saints you are really worshiping the saints which are not Biblical. Remember it doesn't matter what we say, it's about what we do. Just because you say you don't worship the saints doesn't mean you don't if your actions say otherwise.


It’s the equivalent of Muslims saying they don't worship the Kaaba stone but we know they do because they pray towards it, kiss it and so forth just like Roman Catholics do with their idols.

There is no substantial Biblical evidence to support the doctrine of immaculate conception. For we are all sinners in the eyes of God in the need of a perfect savior. In order to believe Mary was sinless you have to eisegesis Pagan umbilical doctrine into the text. Scripture shows us not only was Mary a regular woman just like us, but that she did not pass away as a virgin as she knew Joseph.


Now the question comes where did all of these false doctrines and heresies come from? Well it’s very simple in fact it’s in the very name. It’s called Roman Catholicism because it was founded in Rome not by the apostles of Jesus Christ. The saints that are used for intercession today are just the pagan idols that the Roman Catholic church adapted into their worship from the pagan polytheistic religions around them at that time in Ancient Rome. All of the unbiblical traditions of the Roman Catholic church can be traced back to Paganism.

Jesus calls all of us to repentance, scripture tells us we cant serve both this world and God. For we will either love the one and hate the other, we can not have two masters. This is a call to Repentance if you are currently associated or grew up in the Roman Catholic Church or Greek Orthodox Church. Come to Jesus Christ, leave behind vain doctrine, pagan tradition and heretical belief systems. They are anti-Christ. 

Is Roman Catholicism Pagan?

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Al Costa
Al Costa

What a tiresome and repetitive typical protestant dumb post

Was the Holy of Holies dirty? No: God would not live there

Likewise, Mary was sinless because a God cannot live inside a dirty place

Incredibly, such simple logic is too much for protestants to accept


Dwight Hayes
Dwight Hayes

Right now, many Catholics are abandoning the Catholic Church. They are learning that Jesus proclaimed the creators of the State Church of Rome to be the Anti-Christ in the Bible.


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My name is Nate. My mission is for the ministry to empower and equip believers with the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and information to help strengthen their faith in contrast to other faiths. My goal is to simplify very in depth concepts in a very detailed entertaining manner to reach both believers and non-believers whilst maintaining Biblical integrity.


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