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Muslims Are Trying To Destroy This Artifact That Proves Islam is Pagan! These Archaeological Finds Are Crazy!

Updated: May 2

Arabian Conquest Map

Muslims in the Middle East are viciously upset that there are artifacts surfacing on the history of pre-islamic Arabia. Now, if you know anything about the Middle East and where it was before, you would understand why this upsets modern day Muslims. Historically speaking, we know that prior to Islam and the Arabian conquest that occurred, the Middle East, South East Asia, Northern Africa, and Europe were not Islamic. In fact, these nations followed Christianity, Judaism, and Paganism, which highly contradict Islamic narrative. Artifacts were dug up by archeologists showing evidence of the pre-islamic Arabian societies and what they believed in. These archeological finds confirm historical viewpoints held for years– the Middle East were filled with Christians, Jews, and Pagans living amongst each other.

Muslims Destroying Artifacts in Middle East

There is a huge reason why Muslims are trying to destroy these archeological artifacts, cities, and structures that have been dug up. They are so angry that there are videos of Muslims actually destroying ancient, antique artifacts with baseball bats and rocks. You may ask: “What is the need for such barbaric activity enacted on the evidence that gives you more insight about your culture?” A huge reason for this barbaric activity is the fact that most of the Middle East today follows Islam. Believers of Islam consider themselves followers of a monotheistic faith. They also argue that there are no sentiments or traditions passed on to modern day Muslims from paganism as this would be considered haram or a sin. They find the practice of paganism so sinful that they can actually behead you for it as an infidel–they would equally give Jews and Christians the same punishment as well. The point is, Islam will do anything to deny any resemblance to Paganism historically–but the unfortunate reality is that no matter how much you try to remove

history, it remains true regardless of one’s emotions. 

Now–this is the juicy part! What exactly are the artifacts that were found in the Middle East? Are these Artifacts actually pagan, and do they prove Islam had influence from Paganism? Is the title "Muslims Are Trying To Destroy This Artifact That Proves Islam is Pagan! These Archaeological Finds Are Crazy!" true?

Evidence for Pagan Pre-Islamic Civilizations in the Middle East

Tower of Baal

One of the cities destroyed was Nimrud, an Assyrian city from the 13th century B.C, which is about 2,000 years older than Muhammad and Islam. Islamic thugs illegally destroyed 90% of the city and looted ancient artifacts so that by the time it was retaken by government forces, only 10% of the artifacts remained. We see that they found Nabatean coins which were once used in the Nabatean empire before Islam was created. These coins have crucifixes and other Christian, Pagan, and Jewish symbolism showing that they intermingled or co-existed before Islam whilst still having their own separate belief systems. Another artifact that is very interesting is the “Temple of Baal” which was located in Palmyra, Modern day Syria. In the Temple of Baal, they would worship the “Mesopotamian god Bel, worshiped at Palmyra in triad with the lunar god Aglibol and the sun god Yarhibol.”

These are the polytheistic deities that were worshiped in pre-Islamic Arabia and the surrounding nations.

Evil Eye in Islam For Sorcery

Evil Eye

According to Journal of Material Cultures in the Muslim World, “Among the items were a number of clay-made objects, including a figurine of a naked woman (possibly a goddess) with her hands raised, miniature votive incense altars, rattle fragments, animal figurines and an array of colored quartz pebbles and seashells…” This artifact was found on an ancient route from Cairo, Egypt to Modern day Mecca, and it was said to be used for sorcery and magic rituals in the days of Muhammad and before his time. These artifacts were said to be used to ward off the evil eye which we see is a practice today among many secular Muslim women.

How Islam Copied the Pagans in Pre-Islamic Societies in Arabia

Palace of Ashurnasirpal II in Nimrud

The amount of artifacts, cities and structures that remain prove unequivocally that there were Christian and Pagan societies in Pre-Islamic Arabia. Now–where is the evidence that Islam actually had influence from Paganism and that Islam is not a monotheistic faith? Existing archaeological and historical facts dictate that the Kaaba stone that Muslims prostrate towards today were once worshiped by pagans as well. The practice of circling the Kaaba stone 7 times, called tawaf, was done by the Pagans before Muhammad. They also had 360 different deities inside the Kaaba stone since they were very polytheistic; then during the barbaric conquest of Mecca, Muhammad removed them from the Kaaba stone. Furthermore, Ramadan is a symbolization of moon god Hubal worship.

The Crescent Moon Obsession in Islam and it's Purpose

Mecca Clocktower Near Kaaba Pagan Stone

This is why Muslims look for a crescent moon as a symbolization for the start of Ramadan, as did their pagan ancestors. Muslims are so obsessed with the crescent moon that they even have one in the clocktower directly across the Kaaba stone. Muslims even implemented the crescent moon and star in their Islamic flag that they hold so proudly today. 

What is it with this crescent moon that’s so special? Historically, pagans would use the crescent moon to represent their deities that symbolizes womanhood, fertility, and strength. The God of Islam is Al-Lah, meaning Moon God, not “the only true monotheistic god”. Muslims become upset at the slightest idea of these artifacts being shown to the world because it is undeniable evidence that Islam is just another pagan religion that copied the religions before it. 

But what made Islam grow in popularity in comparison to its other pagan counterparts? Unlike other pagan religions, Islam has the practices of paganism and is structured like the Abrahamic faiths, but claims to be monotheistic which caused a lot of people to convert to Islam. Muslims also believe in forced conversion through the sword if people reject Islam. This very seductive belief system–a combination of a “prophet” receiving divine revelation from Al-Lah to murder any non-believer and lawful permission for believers to enact evil deeds–converted lots of people. Even in the Middle East today, there are many Muslims who are willing to committ mass genocide in the name of Allah. There are also many who are terrified to publicly leave Islam because they know they would be considered an apostate–who, according to sharia law in the Quran, Muslims can murder for leaving the faith of Islam. This, combined with them populating the earth at ridiculously high rates is not healthy for the future generations to come.

Importance of Following God's Principle Left For Us

Study that shows the importance of saving virginity for marriage

This is a call for all westerners to live the example God has paved for us in the Scriptures. According to Genesis 1:28 God says, “Be fruitful and multiply…”, emphasizing the role of humans. This is something we lack much of in the western world. We are very advanced, intelligent, wealthy, but many of our hearts are far from God. This concept of multiplication is so important to God that he puts it in the very first chapter in the Bible. Many people in the church today incorrectly teach to get your life together first, then get married and have kids after 30 years old. While that may work for some, this does not work for most people statistically. In the Western world, over 50% of marriages end in divorce. When people become more “experienced,” this is usually translated as trying to have sexual intimate relations with different people, get your heart broken a few times, and buy a house and start a career. This concept of “experience” is actually harming our generations from even having the chance to stay married in long committed relationships. What if we start promoting marriage and experience life with our partner, grow together, and mature with each other? Biblically and historically speaking, this modern day practice is not natural or normal. “Waiting for marriage” is something that is shunned in our culture when it shouldn't be. In fact, just by remaining a virgin until your marriage date reduces your chances of divorce from over 50% all the way to just about 5% percent chance of divorce.

Why We Have To Take God's Command Serious

Married couple hands

This isn't an attack on Christians that have married at an older age or didn't wait until marriage; this is an informative collection of evidence that shows the importance of following Biblical principles in our lives. This is why Islam has been growing over the past few hundred years–because of their birth rate and undeniable willingness to murder unbelievers. Remember: Muslims don't look for evidence to believe in Islam; they believe in Islam then look for evidence. These ancient artifacts are alarming not only as they inform us about the pagan origins and traditions practiced in Islam, but also as the amount of deception goes on in the Islamic communities to hide Truth.

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  • Yes very informative.

  • No I am Muslim


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My name is Nate. My mission is for the ministry to empower and equip believers with the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and information to help strengthen their faith in contrast to other faiths. My goal is to simplify very in depth concepts in a very detailed entertaining manner to reach both believers and non-believers whilst maintaining Biblical integrity.


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